Traject Vrij and international travel

Do you have a Traject Vrij subscription? Book your international ticket from the station that your subscription no longer covers. That way, at off-peak hours you will receive a 40% discount on the domestic route that is not included in your subscription. Please indicate this while booking:

  • Via our website: select the option '40% discount in the Netherlands'
  • Via an NS ticket machine: select the option 'NS route with discount'
*Discount does not apply on Eurostar and Eurostar trains.

Then you will receive an international ticket which includes the 40% or 100% discount. Can you not travel there and back with the same discount? You can also book 2 one-tickets. Do not forget to bring your Traject Vrij subscription as well as your ticket on your trip. You should be able to show both.

You do not check in or out with your Traject Vrij subscription, but open the gates with the square barcode on your international ticket.