Self-service ticket machines at the station

Train tickets for journeys to Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg

At a large number of NS stations, you can purchase tickets for international trips to Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg. You pay € 1 booking fee when you purchase an international train ticket.
You can recognise the NS ticket machine by the blue sign with the NS logo. The ticket that you get is a paper one that contains a chip. It is valid for all rail carriers. With this ticket you can check in and out of the gates but you will not need to add a cash balance to it.
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Surcharges and ticket supplements

kkA surcharge applies for the route between Amsterdam and Arnhem with ICE International, unless you are in the possession of a subscription that NS considers valid*. The ticket supplement can also be purchased with the self-service ticket machines. At a machine your can also load the ICE supplement onto your OV-chipkaart. It's also possible to buy a supplement for a date in the future. NS Business Card and general public transport subscriptions as the student travel product are also part of the subscriptions that NS considers valid.

The ease of making an online reservation

Did you know that making an online reservation is a very user-friendly way to order international train tickets? This not only means you can quickly and easily make a reservation at any time that suits you, but also that you do not have to pay a booking fee.

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