Assistance when booking

We are here to help you

Are you experiencing problems when making a booking? Then consult BraiNS. database. Here you will find all the information you need to buy international train tickets. From procedures and manuals to train maps. Under headings 'News' and 'Disruptions' you will find the most recent information that may be of interest to you as an agent during the booking process.

Do you not have access to BraiNS? yet? Check our information.

This is how to reach us

If the answer to your question is not in BraiNS, the helpdesk departments below are available to help with any further questions you may have.

@lantis Commercial Helpdesk: Expertise centre Operations

Opening hours: Mon - Fri from 08.30 - 18.00 hours
Sat and Sundays and public holidays from 09.00 - 17.30 hours

In case of help or questions about bookings/cancellations/changes in @lantis, the staff of the Expertise Center are ready to help you.


Telephone: +3188 - 671 16 30

@lantis Technical Helpdesk: benerail Support Center in Brussels

Are you not able to cancel a booking because the booking system has frozen or because there are technical problems with your @lantis account? Please contact the BeneRail Technical Helpdesk Support Center.


Telephone: +3188 - 671 55 44

Does your user get stuck when logging in, do you get an error message at the bottom of your screen or are there technical problems with your @lantis account? Log your issue in the Benerail Service Management Tool: Login - Jira Service Management (

In case of questions please contact:


Telephone: +3188 - 671 55 44

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 06.00 – 22.00 hrs

RailAgent Helpdesk

In the event of problems or you need help booking and/or cancelling online, please contact the NS International Customer Service department.
Telephone: +3130 - 230 00 23. First choose option 5 “For English”. Clearly state in the conversation that you are booking via RailAgent. Have your customer number and any booking code handy.

Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.