Utrecht - Munich by train

Buying a ticket online is easy and without booking fees. And at the station, you can directly board the train. This way, you can travel comfortably between Utrecht and Munich, and reach the heart of the city after only changing trains once. You have 6.51 hours of travel time in which you can do what you want!

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Travel information

Overview travel time to Munich by train

Route Travel times Transfers Header Header
Amsterdam - Munich 7.05 hours 1 Content Content
Rotterdam - Munich 7.46 hours 2 Content Content
Utrecht - Munich 6.51 hours 1 Content Content
Schiphol - Munich 7.39 hours 2 Content Content

For a complete travel itinerary, consult our itinerary planner

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Column 4

* Prices are based on the lowest price from Amsterdam Central Station, one-way, 2nd class. Rates to London are based on a return trip. All rates are subject to availability and applicable fare conditions.